Tired of frantically trying to change all your faults all at the same time? Try half-assing it like my friend Mary Crimmins does. You’ll see better results!

Here’s a great article posted by my friend, Mary Crimmins. Do you agree or disagree with this approach?


It’s Time to Half Ass Your Life



I was sitting with a dear friend the other day and looked her straight in the face, “I’m going to tell you what I have been telling my coaching clients for a while now – your new job is to learn how to half ass it really well!” She burst into laughter and said, “Mary, you are the worst personal coach, what the heck?”

Most of the people that I am working with are people who would categorize themselves as All or Nothing people. You know the type. So when they approach the self discovery journey they are ready to cash in all their chips and double down.

The problem is, self discovery doesn’t work that way.

Losing weight and emotionally healing from why you gained weight in the first place, doesn’t work that way. Accessing your inner voice and passion in life, doesn’t work that way. Changing your lifestyle to something that serves you vs something that sabotages you, doesn’t work that way.Most of us want to speed through our own journey to get to the finish line fast and figure out who we are and what we were created to do.

Why do we want to move so fast? 

1. Because it’s part of the resistance to pain.

2. We are afraid to really spend the time to look deep.

3. Slowing down and allowing the journey to unfold feels opposite to how we tackle the rest of our lives.

4. Let’s be honest, we know if we commit to the ALL we will self-sabotage eventually (not sustainable) so it’s a cop out.

In order for you to fully heal emotionally, physically, or spiritually you have to be willing to step down and half ass it. Meaning – this is not a process that you achieve. This is not something that you get to check off your list. This is something that takes time, that takes awareness, and that takes your intuition. This is a journey that unfolds itself over time.

If you want lasting change, want to live a whole hearted life and want to feel fully alive in who you are, you have to approach that change incrementally. Baby step by baby step.

3 Steps to Living Half Assed:

#1Start with awareness. Become aware of the thoughts in your head. Notice the words that come out of your mouth. Begin to catch those limiting beliefs. You can’t change anything until you know where the problem lies. This begins with awareness of your inner dialogue.

#2Choose ONE thing to eliminate from your life. Instead of choosing to clean out your entire pantry, start with breaking your addiction from Diet Coke. Just eliminate one thing that is not serving your highest good. Maybe that’s drinkingevery night of the week, maybe that’s numbing out with trashy magazines or maybe it’s defeating self-talk.

#3Choose ONE thing to add into your life. Taking the time to focus on self care is vital in this process of uncovering your wounds and fears. Instead of committing to go to the gym 5 times a week, choose to go on a enjoyable walk or yoga class oncea week. Begin the process slow and incredibly obtainable. Maybe it’s writing in your journal, maybe it’s saying an affirmation, or maybe it’s reading a book.

This is all about getting back in touch with your body. It’s about trusting yourself again. And that takes time. It’s about setting yourself up for complete success, without any option of failure.

You are changing slowly, gradually and when you do it in this way – it sticks.

The change lasts, and then you can move on to the next little baby step. And before you know it sunshine, you are glowing.

I know, I know what you are thinking. That’s ridiculous. I can do more. I want to do more. Now listen to me very closely my dears,“Trust me.”  I am a recovering All or Nothing chick, and I know this road well. It feels really frustrating to do it slowly if you like to push, but I can promise you this is the path to uncovering your authentic self. Listen to what your body is asking for, stay present, and go for it ladies. It’s time to half ass it ;)

Comment below and share with me what is the ONE thing that you are going to eliminate or add into your life…